Eric Bonsang is professor of Economics at University Paris-Dauphine. He is a fellow of the Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA, Maastricht University), and the Network for Studies on Pensions, Aging and Retirement (Netspar). He is Associate Editor of the Journal of the Economics of Aging. His current research interests focus on economics of ageing, health economics, applied microeconometrics, and labour and demographic economics.


Research fields


Health Economics

Economics of Ageing

Labour and Demographic Economics




Publications in peer-reviewed journals

- Bonsang, E. and Costa-Font, J. (2022). Buying Control? ‘Locus of Control’ and the Uptake of Supplementary Health Insurance. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, accepted for publication. 

- Bassoli, E., Bonsang E., Brugiavini, A. and Pasini, G. (2022). End-of-life care and depression. Applied Economic Letters. DOI:

- Bonsang, E. and Skirbekk, V. (2022). Does childbearing affect cognitive health in later life? Evidence from an instrumental variable approach. Demography, 59: 975–994.

- Engdahl, B. L., Bonsang, E. and Skirbekk, V. (2022). Childhood hearing impairment and fertility in Norway. Scientific Reports, 12: 402.

- Bonsang, E., Caroli, E. and Garrouste, C. (2021). Gender heterogeneity in self-reported hypertension. Economics & Human Biology, 43, 101071.

- Bonsang, E. and Caroli, E. (2021). Cognitive load and occupational injuries. Industrial Relations, 60, 2: 219-242.

- Bonsang, E. and Cost-Font, J. (2020). Behavioral regularities in old age planning, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 173:297-300.

- Bonsang, E. and Van Soest, A. (2020). Time devoted to home production and retirement in couples: a panel data analysis, Labour Economics, 65, 101810.

- Bonsang, E. and Cost-Font, J. (2020). Behavioral regularities in old age planning, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 173:297-300

Book chapters

- Bonsang, E. and Lemoine, A. (2020). Renteneintritt und kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit. in:Hendrik Jürges, Johannes Siegrist, Matthias Stiehler (Ed.). Männer und der Übergang in die Rente, p. 199 – 210.

Working papers

- Bonsang, E. and Pronkina, E. (2021). Family size and vaccination among older individuals: The case of COVID-19 vaccine, SHARE Working Paper Series No. 76-2021.

- Bonsang, E., Costa-Font, J. and C. de New, S. (2021). Buying control? "Locus of control" and the uptake of supplementary insurance, IZA Discussion Paper No. 14633.


PhD Supervisor

Adèle Lemoine (2019 - )

Eléonore Rouault (2019 - )

Post doc

Elizaveta Pronkina (2021- )


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