Informal Care & Mental Health: A Story of Unobserved Heterogeneity
Julien Bergeot, Louis Arnault
Heavy is the Crown: CEO's Social Interactions and Layoff Decisions
Andrea Bassanini, Eve Caroli, Kevin Geay, Antoine Reberioux
The Online Vaccination Debate : the Case of France
Arthur Juet
Les effets directs et indirects des politiques vaccinales sur la santé : une revue de littérature
Clémentine Garrouste, Arthur Juet, Anne-Laure Samson
The Health-Consumption Effects of Increasing Retirement Age Late in the Game
Eve Caroli, Catherine Pollak, Muriel Roger
Le premier paiement à la performance proposé aux médecins libéraux en France :quel impact sur l’activité des médecins généralistes
Brigitte Dormont, Aimée Kingsada, Anne-Laure Samson
La conduite de la dépense de santé en France : comment sortir des impasses ?
Brigitte Dormont
Impact de l'accueil des bénéficiaires de la CMU-C sur l’activité des médecins et des dentistes libéraux
Brigitte Dormont, Cécile Gayet
Don't Downsize This! Social Reactions to Mass Dismissals on Twitter
Andrea Bassanini, Eve Caroli, Bruno Chaves Ferreira and An
Supplementary Health Insurance and medical prices: an inflationary spiral?
Mathilde Péron, Brigitte Dormont
Gender Heterogeneity in Self-reported Health : The Case of Diabetes
Eric Bonsang, Eve Caroli, Clémentine Garrouste
Labor Market Concentration and Stayers'Wages: Evidence from France
Andrea Bassanini, Cyprien Batut and Eve Caroli
Parental Attitudes and Beliefs about Vaccines: Unexpected Effects of a Hepatitis B Vaccination Campaign
Clémentine Garrouste Arthur Juet, Anne-Laure Samson
Impact of later retirement on mortality : Evidence from France
Antoine Bozio, Clémentine Garrouste, Elsa Perdrix
The appropriate use of emergency departments: evidence from a French survey
Brigitte Dormont, Alexis Dottin, Paul Dourgnon
Escaping Social Pressure: Fixed-Term Contracts in Multi-Establishment Firms
Andrea Bassanini, Eve Caroli, François Fontaine, Antoine Rebérioux
Cognitive Load and Occupational Injuries
Eric Bonsang, Eve Caroli
Filial caregiving for the disabled elderly: the role of contextual interactions
Louis Arnault, Roméo Fontaine
K.L. Cheung, S.M.A.A. Evers, H. De Vries, Pierre Levy, S. Pokhrel, T. Jones, M. Danner, J. Wentlandt, L. Knufinke, S. Mayer & M. Hiligsmann.« Most important barriers and facilitators of HTA usage in decision-making in Europe », Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research. 2018 ; DOI: 10.1080/14737167.2018.1421459
W.C.N. Dunlop, A. Staufer, Pierre Levy, G. J. Edwards. « Innovative pharmaceutical pricing agreements in five European markets: A survey of stakeholder attitudes and experience », Health Policy, 2018, DOI : 10.1016/j.healthpol.2018.02.008
A.T. Cohen, C. Ay, P. Hainaut, H. Décousus, U. Hoffmann, S. Gaine, M. Coppens, P. Marques da Silva, D. Jimenez Castro, B. Amann-Vesti, B Brüggenjürgen, Pierre Levy, et al « Design and rationale of the noninterventional, edoxaban treatment in routiNe clinical prActice in patients with venous ThromboEmbolism in Europe (ETNA-VTE-Europe) study », A.T. Cohen et al, Thrombosis Journal, 2018 ; 16 :9 ; DOI : 10.1186/s12959-018-0163-7
A. Paix, G. Noel, PE. Falcoz, Pierre Levy, « Cost-effectiveness analysis of stereotactic body radiotherapy and surgery for medically operable early stage non small cell lung cancer», Radiotherapy and Oncology, 128 (2018) : 534-540 ; DOI : 10.1016/j.radonc.2018.04.013
P. Claudepierre, M. Lahfa, Pierre Levy, T. Barnetche, I. Bonnet, R. Aubert, Y. Roquelaure « The impact of psoriasis on professional life: PsoPRO, a French national survey»,, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 2018 ; 32 :1702-1709; DOI : 10.1111/jdv.14986
Collateral effects of a pension reform in France
Hélène Blake et Clémentine Garrouste
Selection on moral hazard in Supplementary Health Insurance
Mathilde Péron et Brigitte Dormont
The subjective value of a life with Down syndrome : Evidence from amnocentesis decision
Thibault Gajdos, Clémentine Garrouste, Pierre-Yves Geoffard
Long-term Impact of Job Displacement on Job Quality and Satisfaction: Evidence from Germany
Lea Toulemon et Lexane Weber-Baghdiguian
The lasting health impact of leaving school in a bad economy: Britons in the 1970s recession
Clémentine Garrouste et Mathilde Godard
Does health insurance encourage the rise in medical prices? A test on balance billing in France
Brigitte Dormont et Mathilde Peron
Contracting for information: on the effects of the principal's outside option
Franck Bien et Thomas Lanzi
Self-Reported Health and Gender: the Role of Social Norms
Eve Caroli et Lexane Weber-Baghdiguian
Fairness in cost-benefit analysis: an application to health technology assessment
Anne-Laure Samson, Erik Schokkaert, Clémence Thébaut, Brigitte Dormont, Marc Fleurbaey, Stéphane Luchini, Carine Van de Voorde
Benevolent Doctors? Inequity in Healthcare Access in post-soviet Tajikistan
Sandra Pellet
Does it pay to be a general practitioner in France ?
Brigitte Dormont et Anne-Laure Samson
Is work bad for health?
The role of constraint vs choice
Andrea Bassanini et Eve Caroli
Does job insecurity deteriorate health? A causal approach for Europe.
Eve Caroli et Mathilde Godard
Not in my Community: Social Pressure and the Geography of Dismissals
Andrea Bassanini, Giorgio Brunello and Eve Caroli
Gaining weight through retirement ? Results from the SHARE survey
Mathilde Godard
Individual uncertainty on longevity
B.Dormont, A.-L.Samsonz, M.Fleurbaey, S.Luchini, E.Schokkaert, C.Thébaut, C.Van de Voorde
Working in family firms: less paid but more secure? Evidence from French matched employer-employee data
Andréa Bassanini, Eve Caroli, Antoine Rebérioux, Thomas Breda
Stealing to Survive: Crime and Income Shocks In 19th Century France
Vincent Bignon, Eve Caroli, Roberto Galbiati
Stratégies de Localisation des médecins généralistes français : Mécanismes économiques ou hédonistes
Eric Delattre, Anne-Laure Samson
Les médecins sont-ils assez payés ? Une comparaison avec les cadres supérieurs
Brigitte Dormont, Anne-Laure Samson
The dual effect of labour market participation on care provision for elderly parents
Roméo Fontaine
The effect of public subsidies for formal care on the care provision for disabled elderly people in France
Roméo Fontaine
Le Recours à l’Aide Complémentaire Santé : les Enseignements d’une Expérimentation Sociale à Lille
Sophie Guthmuller, Florence Jusot, Jérôme Wittwer, Caroline Desprès
Cross-Country Performance in Social Integration of Older Migrants – A European Perspective
Caroline Berchet, Nicolas Sirven